This week I am working on Step 3. I am focusing on trust. Trusting God in particular.
It isn't going well.
Yesterday afternoon our puppy "Oopsie" was hit by a car at the end of our driveway. She was killed.
Our dogs are part of our family. We are that absolutely ridiculous family who treats their fur babies like actual babies. Oopsie was named Oopsie because we decided we couldn't take in any more dogs, we already had 4 - she became our 5th after we nursed her back to health & our youngest daughter became incredibly attached.
About 6 months ago, Oopsie disappeared for about a week...turns out another family had her - but we had literally thousands of people all over our town looking for her.Sharing her lost puppy poster, asking strangers to help us bring her home. Even now people ask us about Oopsie when they see us.
We've spent well over $1,000 in vet bills for all of her various ailments. She was definitely a family project and she was an amazing little addition to our family. Oopsie was obsessed with our youngest daughter and followed her around the house. They were so in love with each other.
I will never forget the look on her face when we had to tell her about her puppy yesterday.
So I can't help but wonder why...why, on a day that I was praying and asking God for strength...for proof of his presence in my life...trusting him...turning my problems over to him....why?
I am pissed.
I didn't drink last night, although I really wanted to. I probably will drink tonight. I'm putting this work in and trying to get better...and as ridiculous as it might sound I feel like my prayers were laughed at and thrown back in my face.
I know it isn't right to be angry with God. I know it isn't right to use this heartache as an excuse to throw in the towel for the night. I know that the disease is telling me it is and I need to be stronger than that. I know I'm heartbroken and having a few drinks wont make it better. I know I can have just as much fun not drinking and Ill feel great about myself. I know all of that.
But right now...I really don't care.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
My attitude today has improved. I am going to "Let go and Let God". I am trying to focus on not worrying about the future and what it hold for my sobriety. I will focus on One day at a time.
But...I am nervous about tomorrow!
Let me explain....
For my birthday...which was August husband bought tickets for us to go see Kacey Musgraves, Eli Young Band and Kenny Chesney in concert. I am SO excited. I requested the day after the concert off in anticipation of how rough I would undoubtedly feel. I plotted in my head how much fun tailgating would be...etc. etc.
Well on August 4th...after my birthday party bonfire and the mother of all hangovers....I decided enough was enough and I was going to stop drinking for awhile. At least until the concert. Yep, no drinking until the concert. On August 5th...I realized that was kinda bullshit and I needed to accept my problems and give my recovery more of a chance.
The concert is tomorrow.
How the hell am I going to stay sober at a Kenny fucking Chesney concert?
There will be drunk people all around me. It's a huge party. I am only 2 and a half weeks sober.
This is ridiculous.
Instead of being excited....which I am...I keep finding my self overcome with anxiety. Is it going to be torture? Will I be able to have fun? Is my husband going to have fun? What if I can't do it? What's the big deal, the concert was your initial goal? Drink at the concert then get back on track... you don't have to work on Thursday anyway...
that is what my head sounds like right now.
So last night I went for a run. Before bed I meditated. This morning I got up at 5 am and ran. Tonight I will meditate. I keep praying for God to help me, take away the anxiety and allow me to just have fun with my husband.
Will it work? I don't know yet.
I am really excited for some time with my husband. We haven't had a sober date night....well, since I was pregnant with our second daughter over 6 years ago. I am excited to be fully present and enjoy the show. I hope. I am excited for the sense of accomplishment I will feel if I succeed.
But I am so nervous.
But...I am nervous about tomorrow!
Let me explain....
For my birthday...which was August husband bought tickets for us to go see Kacey Musgraves, Eli Young Band and Kenny Chesney in concert. I am SO excited. I requested the day after the concert off in anticipation of how rough I would undoubtedly feel. I plotted in my head how much fun tailgating would be...etc. etc.
Well on August 4th...after my birthday party bonfire and the mother of all hangovers....I decided enough was enough and I was going to stop drinking for awhile. At least until the concert. Yep, no drinking until the concert. On August 5th...I realized that was kinda bullshit and I needed to accept my problems and give my recovery more of a chance.
The concert is tomorrow.
How the hell am I going to stay sober at a Kenny fucking Chesney concert?
There will be drunk people all around me. It's a huge party. I am only 2 and a half weeks sober.
This is ridiculous.
Instead of being excited....which I am...I keep finding my self overcome with anxiety. Is it going to be torture? Will I be able to have fun? Is my husband going to have fun? What if I can't do it? What's the big deal, the concert was your initial goal? Drink at the concert then get back on track... you don't have to work on Thursday anyway...
that is what my head sounds like right now.
So last night I went for a run. Before bed I meditated. This morning I got up at 5 am and ran. Tonight I will meditate. I keep praying for God to help me, take away the anxiety and allow me to just have fun with my husband.
Will it work? I don't know yet.
I am really excited for some time with my husband. We haven't had a sober date night....well, since I was pregnant with our second daughter over 6 years ago. I am excited to be fully present and enjoy the show. I hope. I am excited for the sense of accomplishment I will feel if I succeed.
But I am so nervous.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Honeymoon is over.
15 days. I have been sober for 15 days. I'm grateful for this accomplishment.
This weekend wasn't easy though. It was warm and sunny Saturday afternoon. Perfect drinking weather. I kept thinking...I should be able to sit by the pool and drink a few beers. I felt like I was being punished because I couldn't do that.
I felt grumpy....Anxious.... A little resentful.
It's been SO easy up until this weekend. I have felt such a sense of peace. I've know that this is exactly what I have to do and I have felt confident in this decision. You should know...I have tried to get sober before...many many times. I never lasted more than a few days. Finally I feel ready and I want it...but now 2 weeks's getting harder.
Will it ever get easier?
I am finding myself doubting how long I can do this. I am setting goals for myself of...1 more week. Just get 1 month behind you to prove you can do it. I keep hearing a voice in my head say "You can drink again, you just needed to shock your system and you wont get so bad again, you can have a few..." It's getting harder for me to tell the voice it's wrong and I have a problem. I am starting to question my own strength.
So, if you have been following my story you know I have been trying to follow the 12 steps. This week I will focus on Step 3.
According the "Step 3 is where I decide to trust God with my recovery. I have admitted my powerlessness to overcome my addictive behaviors on my own. I have realized that there is a Higher Power that can deliver me from the insanity of my addiction. Now I am ready to make the step of giving these matters over to this Higher Power, to God as I understand God. I trust that God can restore me to a right mind, a sane mind that leads me to sane and healthy behavior and a life filled with greater serenity, personal power and even joy. I let God be the overall manager of my life. I "let go and let God"."
Fair enough.
I will work this week on trust. I will pray for strength. I will focus on 1 day at a time instead of worrying about my long term success.I will Trust even if it's beyond my own comprehension whether or not I will succeed.
This weekend wasn't easy though. It was warm and sunny Saturday afternoon. Perfect drinking weather. I kept thinking...I should be able to sit by the pool and drink a few beers. I felt like I was being punished because I couldn't do that.
I felt grumpy....Anxious.... A little resentful.
It's been SO easy up until this weekend. I have felt such a sense of peace. I've know that this is exactly what I have to do and I have felt confident in this decision. You should know...I have tried to get sober before...many many times. I never lasted more than a few days. Finally I feel ready and I want it...but now 2 weeks's getting harder.
Will it ever get easier?
I am finding myself doubting how long I can do this. I am setting goals for myself of...1 more week. Just get 1 month behind you to prove you can do it. I keep hearing a voice in my head say "You can drink again, you just needed to shock your system and you wont get so bad again, you can have a few..." It's getting harder for me to tell the voice it's wrong and I have a problem. I am starting to question my own strength.
So, if you have been following my story you know I have been trying to follow the 12 steps. This week I will focus on Step 3.
According the "Step 3 is where I decide to trust God with my recovery. I have admitted my powerlessness to overcome my addictive behaviors on my own. I have realized that there is a Higher Power that can deliver me from the insanity of my addiction. Now I am ready to make the step of giving these matters over to this Higher Power, to God as I understand God. I trust that God can restore me to a right mind, a sane mind that leads me to sane and healthy behavior and a life filled with greater serenity, personal power and even joy. I let God be the overall manager of my life. I "let go and let God"."
Fair enough.
I will work this week on trust. I will pray for strength. I will focus on 1 day at a time instead of worrying about my long term success.I will Trust even if it's beyond my own comprehension whether or not I will succeed.
Friday, August 16, 2013
. It seems in my endeavor to become “normal,” I have found that I am still “abnormal...
I freaking love this girl...I always relate to so much of what she writes about.
"My claim to fame was once that I was the wild child of the family who ate dysfunction for breakfast, lunch and dinner."
Hey Friday...
It's another Friday!
I am genuinely go home and clean my house tonight.
The weekend seems to give me a slight pit in my stomach though where I crave some excitement. Feel like I'm missing out. Feel like I deserve to tip a few back and unwind... I really feel such a sense of peace though I just try to hold on to that. This too shall pass.
So in looking ahead...this week I have been working on Step 2. Faith. I have seriously gotten some incredible signs. A friend told me that God doesn't have to be the same for everyone. I don't know who God is for me yet. What God is for me yet. But...I am finding Faith. And I have Faith...that I will know these things in time. For now I find comfort in the peace that has come over me like a fuzzy blanket. I used to say beer was my fuzzy blanket...this blanket is fuzzier.
On a side if trying to change my life for the better wasn't are a few other positive side effects of abstaining for alcohol....
- I am losing weight like CRAZY. I weigh less now than I did a few months ago when I was at the peak of working out like a Maniac. I have lost 4 lbs in 12 days...
- I have a little handy app on my phone called "I'm Done Drinking" - when I downloaded the app I had to enter how many beers a day on average I would drink and how much each beer would cost. I low balled it.. Apparently I have saved over $70 dollars and over 8,300 calories in 12 days.
- No hangover...nuf said.
Leave the past in the past and look forward to what's to come.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Music has always been an important part of my life. I have a very eclectic taste based on my mood...I suppose most people do. This week I was browsing Pinterest as I often do and kept seeing Mumford & Sons lyrics. They are one of my favorites...although I haven't listened to them in several months.
So I listened. Over and Over again. It was like the words were written just for me at this very moment....had to share...maybe this is one of those Faith in Action signs I keep looking for this week.
These are from Roll Away Your Stone...and they're perfect.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Reality Check
I knew it would happen. Ive been so positive and feeling so amazing about everything for the last week and a half. Until last night...last night sucked.
The kids were miserable. The husband was miserable. My anxiety was out of control. By 7 I was crying on the couch because my husband "hurt my feelings" we put the kids to bed at 8:30 (1/2 hour early) because they wouldn't clean their rooms....which must have sounded to the neighbors like we were beating our children and my 7 year old ended up having a full blown anxiety attack because her dad said he would take away her guitar if she didn't start to listen.
holy shit.
This was a reality check for me...just because you're making changes...doesn't mean there won't be bad days. The way I cope will be different though. Which is a bit difficult because it's also apparent my coping skills are lacking when I don't have a beer in my hand.
I'll get stronger. I won't always be reduced to a puddle of tears if my evening doesn't go as planned. It was a good reminder that this is still really raw, and I still have a lot of growth to make.
The kids were miserable. The husband was miserable. My anxiety was out of control. By 7 I was crying on the couch because my husband "hurt my feelings" we put the kids to bed at 8:30 (1/2 hour early) because they wouldn't clean their rooms....which must have sounded to the neighbors like we were beating our children and my 7 year old ended up having a full blown anxiety attack because her dad said he would take away her guitar if she didn't start to listen.
holy shit.
This was a reality check for me...just because you're making changes...doesn't mean there won't be bad days. The way I cope will be different though. Which is a bit difficult because it's also apparent my coping skills are lacking when I don't have a beer in my hand.
I'll get stronger. I won't always be reduced to a puddle of tears if my evening doesn't go as planned. It was a good reminder that this is still really raw, and I still have a lot of growth to make.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I just wanted to share this great article about the stigma surrounding addiction that I found on "After Party Chat" one of my favorite recovery websites:
I am not quite ready to share my truth with those close to me yet. My husband of course knows since he's on this journey with me and I shared with a friend who has been through this. I hesitate to let the rest of my friends know, and my family.
There are a few reasons....
1.This is so new. I am only 8 days in. What if I fail? What if they try to convince me I don't have a problem, the way the disease tries to do? It's easy to remind myself "your disease is trying to trick you, stay on track" it would be harder to tell my best friend to shut up that I have a problem and need to stay on track.
2.That brings me to reason number two...if I go public with my journey...then I will be publicly admitting that I don't have it all together. I'll be admitting that even with 2 small children I have drank almost daily for the last 5 years...thats the sugar coated version honestly. The certain judgement makes my stomach turn.
3.There is a stigma about addiction. I don't look like an addict. I don't really act like one...unless I'm actively using. I have a great job, a nice home, nice car...etc. etc. I feel like somehow that will mean less if I admit Ive been struggling severely for so long. I know that sounds materialistic. Petty. It's our society though. Of course the other part of me screams "You are contributing to the problem!" "That is why your story is so important!" But right now..I'm just not ready.
My hope is that once I have some significant recovery time under my belt, I will share with the people in my life. It's easy to blog and share with relative strangers. It's horrifying to think about sharing with my real life friends and family. But once I feel ready, I will scream from the rooftops..."if I can do this anyone can!" - I suppose it makes sense that until I feel I have actually "done this" though...silence is a nice form of security until I know I can handle the reaction...whatever it may be.
I am not quite ready to share my truth with those close to me yet. My husband of course knows since he's on this journey with me and I shared with a friend who has been through this. I hesitate to let the rest of my friends know, and my family.
There are a few reasons....
1.This is so new. I am only 8 days in. What if I fail? What if they try to convince me I don't have a problem, the way the disease tries to do? It's easy to remind myself "your disease is trying to trick you, stay on track" it would be harder to tell my best friend to shut up that I have a problem and need to stay on track.
2.That brings me to reason number two...if I go public with my journey...then I will be publicly admitting that I don't have it all together. I'll be admitting that even with 2 small children I have drank almost daily for the last 5 years...thats the sugar coated version honestly. The certain judgement makes my stomach turn.
3.There is a stigma about addiction. I don't look like an addict. I don't really act like one...unless I'm actively using. I have a great job, a nice home, nice car...etc. etc. I feel like somehow that will mean less if I admit Ive been struggling severely for so long. I know that sounds materialistic. Petty. It's our society though. Of course the other part of me screams "You are contributing to the problem!" "That is why your story is so important!" But right now..I'm just not ready.
My hope is that once I have some significant recovery time under my belt, I will share with the people in my life. It's easy to blog and share with relative strangers. It's horrifying to think about sharing with my real life friends and family. But once I feel ready, I will scream from the rooftops..."if I can do this anyone can!" - I suppose it makes sense that until I feel I have actually "done this" though...silence is a nice form of security until I know I can handle the reaction...whatever it may be.
Step 2
Yesterday was pretty amazing. I was and am so honored to be my nephew's Godmother. I mentioned that this week I am really trying to open my heart to Step 2.
Step 2 is all about faith. I prayed that God would speak to me somehow through the mass. Help my heart to soften a little. I feel like I have a pretty big wall built up between God and I. My dad is a Deacon (I told you it's a complicated relationship I have with God). So, being a Deacon, my Dad presided over the Mass yesterday, said the homily and Baptized my nephew.
The homily was all about Faith. Literally all about having to have faith. Do what is difficult even when its challenging and always having Faith that God will see you through it.
I felt at peace throughout the mass. Not angry, not resentful, like I have come to feel many times in Mass. Just peaceful.
I did struggle with some issues surrounding family. I struggled a little at the reception afterwards since it was my first social function, involving alcohol, since I decided to get sober just over a week ago. And no one that was there other than my husband, knows I have made this choice. I got through it though and felt stronger for it. I am learning it really is true the "Strength comes from moments of Weakness".
I will continue to work on Step 2 this week. I can see that God is trying to show me his presence in my life. I will try to soften my heart and I pray that he helps me to soften as well.
If nothing else I can say I have a much greater sense of peace already this week. A lot of my anxiety has lifted and for that I am grateful.
Step 2 is all about faith. I prayed that God would speak to me somehow through the mass. Help my heart to soften a little. I feel like I have a pretty big wall built up between God and I. My dad is a Deacon (I told you it's a complicated relationship I have with God). So, being a Deacon, my Dad presided over the Mass yesterday, said the homily and Baptized my nephew.
The homily was all about Faith. Literally all about having to have faith. Do what is difficult even when its challenging and always having Faith that God will see you through it.
I felt at peace throughout the mass. Not angry, not resentful, like I have come to feel many times in Mass. Just peaceful.
I did struggle with some issues surrounding family. I struggled a little at the reception afterwards since it was my first social function, involving alcohol, since I decided to get sober just over a week ago. And no one that was there other than my husband, knows I have made this choice. I got through it though and felt stronger for it. I am learning it really is true the "Strength comes from moments of Weakness".
I will continue to work on Step 2 this week. I can see that God is trying to show me his presence in my life. I will try to soften my heart and I pray that he helps me to soften as well.
If nothing else I can say I have a much greater sense of peace already this week. A lot of my anxiety has lifted and for that I am grateful.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
One day at a time
I've been sober for a week! It feels amazing. This week was all about step 1- I've truly embraced the fact that I am powerless to my disease and with that truth comes strength, acceptance and POWER. I never ever thought this moment in my life would come.
It isn't easy though. It's humbling. It's true that you have to take it one day at a time. Sometimes just a moment at a time. In the moments of weakness come strength though and 1 week in I'm feeling confident.
Today I will become a godmother. My nephew will be baptized. I am trying to work on step 2. I feel like I have a complicated relationship with God. I'm trying to open my heart though. It feels symbolic that I will be back in church, becoming a godmother, 1 week into changing my life at the time Im trying to open my heart to God. I feel like I am worthy of this role now. God is putting many signs in front of me. I can see it. Feel it.
So I will work on Step 2 this week even if it overwhelms me. Maybe more than Step 1.
One day at a time...
Friday, August 9, 2013
It's Fridaaaaay. My first sober probably since I was pregnant over 6 years ago. I've been anticipating Friday afternoon. Bracing myself. I'm trying to avoid Facebook, hoping none of my friends call. My husband and I are hopping in the car with our kids after I get out of work and driving an hour away to get dinner. It's something to's different...and we can avoid temptation in the familiar places.
Honestly though...I expected Friday afternoon to be harder. I've definitely had the voice in my head creep up and say "it's can certainly have a drink or two" "you've been so good all week". I'm learning though ( the obsessive reading about addiction that I've done this week) that the voice is the disease...and it is trying to trick me. I've been in this place before. Given myself a couple days "off"...felt great about myself. Confident that I don't have a problem after all. Maybe I CAN have a drink or two tonight.
Tomorrow I'll have 4...maybe after 4 I'll decide to convince my husband we should get drugs too...we have money in the bank after all. Then 4 will turn into 15 and I'll wake up on Sunday the same way I did last Sunday. Only this time I'll hate myself even more.
I know myself. I know how my disease works. I clearly see now, that it is in fact a disease and I do have a problem. A serious problem.
Facing this fact...admitting it to myself...admitting that I really am powerless over drugs and bringing me a strength I haven't had before. It's pretty amazing actually.
So this Friday I will hop in the car with my family...go for a long drive...go out to dinner...and relax on the couch when I get home...with a cup of hot tea. It sounds amazing. And normal. And healthy. Everything I have ever wanted.
I hope every Friday is just. like. this.
Honestly though...I expected Friday afternoon to be harder. I've definitely had the voice in my head creep up and say "it's can certainly have a drink or two" "you've been so good all week". I'm learning though ( the obsessive reading about addiction that I've done this week) that the voice is the disease...and it is trying to trick me. I've been in this place before. Given myself a couple days "off"...felt great about myself. Confident that I don't have a problem after all. Maybe I CAN have a drink or two tonight.
Tomorrow I'll have 4...maybe after 4 I'll decide to convince my husband we should get drugs too...we have money in the bank after all. Then 4 will turn into 15 and I'll wake up on Sunday the same way I did last Sunday. Only this time I'll hate myself even more.
I know myself. I know how my disease works. I clearly see now, that it is in fact a disease and I do have a problem. A serious problem.
Facing this fact...admitting it to myself...admitting that I really am powerless over drugs and bringing me a strength I haven't had before. It's pretty amazing actually.
So this Friday I will hop in the car with my family...go for a long drive...go out to dinner...and relax on the couch when I get home...with a cup of hot tea. It sounds amazing. And normal. And healthy. Everything I have ever wanted.
I hope every Friday is just. like. this.
I created this list of blogs to reference when I start to feel's helped my thus far, hopefully it will help you too.
xoxo- Meghann
*This post is copied from my original post on if you would like to be friends with me on ITR feel free to add me!
I knew it would happen, it's only been a few days. I've had such a sense of peace about my decision to finally, finally, get clean. I knew it wouldn't be easy...and after's only the 5th day, but so far it has been. It's the longest I've made it without a drink in YEARS. This afternoon though the peace is subsiding...still there...still "want it" but I'm getting overwhelmed. What if I can't do it? What if I'm just in a phase?
I know of course it's just my brain playing tricks on me. I have to do it because I have finally accepted that I have a problem. It's still overwhelming though. I haven't had to feel ever? Ugh. It's a daunting task.
One day at a time. I know that's all I need to do. Just get through the weal moments. This too shall pass.
I found this article about "Functioning Alcoholics" -
http://goodlifenoalcohol.... - it is ME to a T. TO A "T". I've done pretty well for myself considering everything I've done TO myself.
I want to live life. I don't want to go through the motions. Continue the cycle. Over and Over and Over and Over again to the detriment of my health, my kids.
This to shall pass...
I knew it would happen, it's only been a few days. I've had such a sense of peace about my decision to finally, finally, get clean. I knew it wouldn't be easy...and after's only the 5th day, but so far it has been. It's the longest I've made it without a drink in YEARS. This afternoon though the peace is subsiding...still there...still "want it" but I'm getting overwhelmed. What if I can't do it? What if I'm just in a phase?
I know of course it's just my brain playing tricks on me. I have to do it because I have finally accepted that I have a problem. It's still overwhelming though. I haven't had to feel ever? Ugh. It's a daunting task.
One day at a time. I know that's all I need to do. Just get through the weal moments. This too shall pass.
I found this article about "Functioning Alcoholics" -
http://goodlifenoalcohol.... - it is ME to a T. TO A "T". I've done pretty well for myself considering everything I've done TO myself.
I want to live life. I don't want to go through the motions. Continue the cycle. Over and Over and Over and Over again to the detriment of my health, my kids.
This to shall pass...
Why now?
*This post is copied from my original post on if you would like to be friends with me on ITR feel free to add me!
August 7, 2013
So I don't know what exactly it is about "this time around" that makes me feel so comfortable and at peace with the decision to change my lifestyle. I've tried before...failed every time. A friend once told me, "you have to REALLY want it". I never felt like I "wanted" it before...I felt like it was something I HAD to do, something I was being forced to do against my will. Even though it was always just a battle within myself (luckily).
I'm not really sure what exactly has changed. I just literally woke up and realized "I'm done. no more. I can't keep doing this." I know it won't be already isn't EASY. I've opened my heart up this time though and am accepting myself for who I am and what I am and what I want to be. I'm being honest with myself for this first time really.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and in my head I heard "Heal your body and I will heal your mind. Rid the poison from your body and I will rid the poison from your mind." I couldn't get back to sleep after that, but felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I haven't really REALLY prayed in a long time. I grew up in a very Catholic family, my dad is a deacon, my mom worked for the church and taught in a Catholic school. I have some conflicting feelings about Religion, about God...and of course I have Catholic guilt ;-) I feel like I am ready to let go though. I obviously can't do this on my own.
I can accept that I can't drink like a "normal person". I don't know when to stop. It isn't normal to fall down the stairs and get a black eye on a Wednesday night after your husband and kids have fallen asleep. Normal people don't do lines in the basement and fold laundry on a Friday night to blow of some steam because they "deserve it" after a bad week...or a good week! Nothing about the excuses I have made for so many years is even remotely normal.
I'm trying to determine what "normal" is. Will "normal" be fun? Will I still have excitement? AM I going to be bored? Will I miss out?
I am sure what lies ahead is SO much more rewarding. I think that my biggest challenge ahead will be finding comfort in "normal" and not "chaos". I hope to look back on this in the weeks, months and years ahead and have a full heart and know my new life is everything I even had, ever wanted and more.
August 7, 2013
So I don't know what exactly it is about "this time around" that makes me feel so comfortable and at peace with the decision to change my lifestyle. I've tried before...failed every time. A friend once told me, "you have to REALLY want it". I never felt like I "wanted" it before...I felt like it was something I HAD to do, something I was being forced to do against my will. Even though it was always just a battle within myself (luckily).
I'm not really sure what exactly has changed. I just literally woke up and realized "I'm done. no more. I can't keep doing this." I know it won't be already isn't EASY. I've opened my heart up this time though and am accepting myself for who I am and what I am and what I want to be. I'm being honest with myself for this first time really.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and in my head I heard "Heal your body and I will heal your mind. Rid the poison from your body and I will rid the poison from your mind." I couldn't get back to sleep after that, but felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I haven't really REALLY prayed in a long time. I grew up in a very Catholic family, my dad is a deacon, my mom worked for the church and taught in a Catholic school. I have some conflicting feelings about Religion, about God...and of course I have Catholic guilt ;-) I feel like I am ready to let go though. I obviously can't do this on my own.
I can accept that I can't drink like a "normal person". I don't know when to stop. It isn't normal to fall down the stairs and get a black eye on a Wednesday night after your husband and kids have fallen asleep. Normal people don't do lines in the basement and fold laundry on a Friday night to blow of some steam because they "deserve it" after a bad week...or a good week! Nothing about the excuses I have made for so many years is even remotely normal.
I'm trying to determine what "normal" is. Will "normal" be fun? Will I still have excitement? AM I going to be bored? Will I miss out?
I am sure what lies ahead is SO much more rewarding. I think that my biggest challenge ahead will be finding comfort in "normal" and not "chaos". I hope to look back on this in the weeks, months and years ahead and have a full heart and know my new life is everything I even had, ever wanted and more.
My far
*This post is copied from my original post on if you would like to be friends with me on ITR feel free to add me!
August 6, 2013
I am a married mother of 2 amazing little girls. I always joke that "Mommy is a Rockstar!" I am known as a fun girl who really has it together...I have a great job and have achieved success against all odds. But you know what? I am slowly accepting the fact that I am nothing more than a functioning Alcoholic. It's a scary thing to admit. It's embarrassing. It's true.
I started drinking on a regular basis when I was 17 or 18. I had gone through a lot of personal turmoil for a teenage girl and then I was taking care of my mom who was very very sick,as soon as my responsibilities with her lifted the self medicating really started. I started doing drugs, cocaine mostly, on a regular basis when I was 19. The only exception has been when I was pregnant with each of my daughters and for a few months following.
I had my first child when I was 21, got married when I was 21 (she was 7 months old) had my second when I was 23. Meanwhile, I was able to complete my bachelors degree, sell one house...purchase another and start a pretty successful career.
I still drank pretty frequently, but not to out of control. Then about 4-5 years ago, once the girls were out of their "baby stage" I fell back into a nightly drinking habit. Usually after the kids went to bed, always alone 5-6...sometimes more beers. Then my husband and I started using again...1 night a week, to unwind after a long day.
I always justified it. We held down good jobs. We took good care of our kids (or did we?) we have lots of friends.
Obviously there is something wrong with this picture.
My kids have spent 1 to many weekends laying around...because we are, recovering from a hangover or exhausted from staying up all night the night before.
I self medicate to cope with things I don't want to cope with. I justify that I deserve it. I make excuses that it's totally normal. I know it's not.
I want to enjoy life. Not continue in this cycle that I've fallen into. It's exhausting.
I am ready to make this change for myself, for my family. I know it won't be easy but for the first time ever - I want it. I feel ready
August 6, 2013
I am a married mother of 2 amazing little girls. I always joke that "Mommy is a Rockstar!" I am known as a fun girl who really has it together...I have a great job and have achieved success against all odds. But you know what? I am slowly accepting the fact that I am nothing more than a functioning Alcoholic. It's a scary thing to admit. It's embarrassing. It's true.
I started drinking on a regular basis when I was 17 or 18. I had gone through a lot of personal turmoil for a teenage girl and then I was taking care of my mom who was very very sick,as soon as my responsibilities with her lifted the self medicating really started. I started doing drugs, cocaine mostly, on a regular basis when I was 19. The only exception has been when I was pregnant with each of my daughters and for a few months following.
I had my first child when I was 21, got married when I was 21 (she was 7 months old) had my second when I was 23. Meanwhile, I was able to complete my bachelors degree, sell one house...purchase another and start a pretty successful career.
I still drank pretty frequently, but not to out of control. Then about 4-5 years ago, once the girls were out of their "baby stage" I fell back into a nightly drinking habit. Usually after the kids went to bed, always alone 5-6...sometimes more beers. Then my husband and I started using again...1 night a week, to unwind after a long day.
I always justified it. We held down good jobs. We took good care of our kids (or did we?) we have lots of friends.
Obviously there is something wrong with this picture.
My kids have spent 1 to many weekends laying around...because we are, recovering from a hangover or exhausted from staying up all night the night before.
I self medicate to cope with things I don't want to cope with. I justify that I deserve it. I make excuses that it's totally normal. I know it's not.
I want to enjoy life. Not continue in this cycle that I've fallen into. It's exhausting.
I am ready to make this change for myself, for my family. I know it won't be easy but for the first time ever - I want it. I feel ready
Getting started...
Welcome! I am starting this Blog in an effort to help myself..and help others. I am 5 days sober. Yep. 5 days. Sounds like such little time and feels like a a wonderful way.
Earlier this my quest for peace and answers and support I found a great resource called - it's kinda sorta like Facebook for addicts. While I don't feel completely at home is definitely a great resource and I don't think I could have gotten through the first few days without it.
I posted my first few blogs there. I am going to copy them over here so that if you are following my story, you can follow from the beginning.
If you are finding this as your try to get sober...I hope I can help you, even if it's just in some small way. I'd love to hear from you if you want to tell your story too!
xoxo- Meghann
Earlier this my quest for peace and answers and support I found a great resource called - it's kinda sorta like Facebook for addicts. While I don't feel completely at home is definitely a great resource and I don't think I could have gotten through the first few days without it.
I posted my first few blogs there. I am going to copy them over here so that if you are following my story, you can follow from the beginning.
If you are finding this as your try to get sober...I hope I can help you, even if it's just in some small way. I'd love to hear from you if you want to tell your story too!
xoxo- Meghann
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