15 days. I have been sober for 15 days. I'm grateful for this accomplishment.
This weekend wasn't easy though. It was warm and sunny Saturday afternoon. Perfect drinking weather. I kept thinking...I should be able to sit by the pool and drink a few beers. I felt like I was being punished because I couldn't do that.
I felt grumpy....Anxious.... A little resentful.
It's been SO easy up until this weekend. I have felt such a sense of peace. I've know that this is exactly what I have to do and I have felt confident in this decision. You should know...I have tried to get sober before...many many times. I never lasted more than a few days. Finally I feel ready and I want it...but now 2 weeks in...it's getting harder.
Will it ever get easier?
I am finding myself doubting how long I can do this. I am setting goals for myself of...1 more week. Just get 1 month behind you to prove you can do it. I keep hearing a voice in my head say "You can drink again, you just needed to shock your system and you wont get so bad again, you can have a few..." It's getting harder for me to tell the voice it's wrong and I have a problem. I am starting to question my own strength.
So, if you have been following my story you know I have been trying to follow the 12 steps. This week I will focus on Step 3.
According the 12steps.org.... "Step 3 is where I decide to trust God with my recovery. I have admitted my
powerlessness to overcome my addictive behaviors on my own. I have realized that
there is a Higher Power that can deliver me from the insanity of my addiction.
Now I am ready to make the step of giving these matters over to this Higher Power,
to God as I understand God. I trust that God can restore me to a right mind, a sane
mind that leads me to sane and healthy behavior and a life filled with greater
serenity, personal power and even joy. I let God be the overall manager of my life.
I "let go and let God"."
Fair enough.
I will work this week on trust. I will pray for strength. I will focus on 1 day at a time instead of worrying about my long term success.I will Trust even if it's beyond my own comprehension whether or not I will succeed.
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